Incorporate sustainability into your business model and efficiently manage your resources with M-Risk's new solutions.
ESG Reporting
Occupational Health & Safety
Achieve the highest level of efficiency with our solutions
- Recording of data as required by the authority.
- Definition of minimum and maximum limits for each variable to avoid non-compliance.
- With notifications of out-of-range variables and pending commitments.
- Data loading and validation in a few clicks for greater efficiency.
We renewed ourselves so that one single platform covers all your sustainable needs
- User-friendly dashboards for quick management.
- Document approval and rejection process for agile management.
- Compliance calendar
With the features that your business needs
- Full data traceability. We keep your historical information secure and at your fingertips.
- Standardized and automatic reports to present to the authority.
- Comparison of compliance with internal standards and those associated with the business.
- Geographic visualization of your operations.
- Base of the regulations to be complied with.
"The relationship with M-Risk has been good, we have always had their support and they have been open to listen to our needs. I am happy with the M-Risk solution because it has helped a lot in the management of all the information that was previously scattered".
- Lía Paternina, Environmental Professional of EPM's Environmental and Social
Cualquier sistema que a nosotros nos permita ordenar nuestra información es una
herramienta super útil e
importante y nos hace ser más
eficiente en nuestro día a día”
- Pamela Navarrete, Mowi's Community Management Manager.
"We have a fluid relationship with M-Risk, they look for solutions to the particular requirements we have as a company and that allows for quite fruitful teamwork."
- Cecilia Osorio, Head of Sustainability CGE
Impact in numbers
Commitments managed
46 %
Increase in the fulfillment of commitments during 2021
Registered stakeholders
3 MM.
Monitoring data uploaded for management